World Franchise Forum & Exhibition

Program Outline

  1. Brand Presentations The importance of branding. Franchisors share their experiences. Insights into successful franchising
  2. Factors involved in food distribution & supply chains The importance of certification for halal food & Operations
  3. Making sense of Franchising Understand the key components that make up a successful franchise
  4. Success stories How I became a successful Master Franchisee
  5. Franchising and the Law The Franchise Agreement and essential related documents
  6. Women in Franchising More and more businesswomen are managing successful franchises
  7. Shopping Mall Developers What are the ways of securing a great location on the best terms?
  8. Social Networking How important is social media such as Facebook, Twitter?

One to One Meetings

Some of the brands.
2015 sees the introduction of a new and improved format with franchisors offered a 3m x 2m booths for one to one meetings. The fully fitted booth with lighting and signage will be in the spacious Windsor Ballroom. We expect over 400 highly qualified delegates to visit over the 2 days.

Round Tables Program

Setting up a New Franchise System

  • What trademarks do you need to register, and why?
  • What documents do you need to copyright, and why?
  • How do you protect and prevent people from registering similar domain names, and what do you do if they do?
  • Why do you need to stop people from using similar names?
  • What happens if the trademark office rejects the registration as being "descriptive"?

Structuring the Deal to Expand Internationally

  • Structuring the deal - what are my options?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of each option?
  • Should the domestic structure I use influence the structure I use to expand internationally?
  • What other factors will influence the selection of a certain structure?
  • Do we need local advice, and when?

International opportunities - Matchmaking is a relationship

  • Is there a proven way to secure your perfect partner
  • What are essential steps to build an international network
  • What don't they tell you about going international
  • Which are the best three international markets
  • How does one really assess a franchise

Adapting to International Markets

  • How do I adapt my concept without changing its essence?
  • The market we are going to is very similar to mine. Do I need to adapt?
  • Who / Where should the adaptation ideas come from?
  • Where do I start?
  • How much is too much?

Pursuing Franchise Opportunities in Challenging Markets

  • What are some of the misconceptions in current thinking about franchisors international expansion and why is a comprehensive “go or no go” strategy necessary?
  • Why won’t a checklist work when it comes to franchisors expanding into international markets?
  • Should franchisors expect higher margins in emerging markets?
  • What is the best franchisee relationship strategy and would it vary within a country?
  • What is the best way to safe guard your international royalties?

Franchising and the Law

  • Developing a successful franchise program is more than just a checklist;
  • How important is it to establish early on uniform, enforceable standards?
  • You don’t have to reinvent the wheel – how do you utilize resources from others who have gone before you?
  • How do I choose the right franchise lawyer anyway?